Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Very Kind Comments for JG from "Tonight on MTV" article.

"I was about 9 years old when I first heard/saw "Menudo" on "Silverspoons". I do believe that Ricky Martin was on that show. I followed them as best I could and was the only caucasian girl that I knew/know of who was a great fan.I wish Jorge the best of luck with becoming sucessful with his talents and pray his parents will guide him in the way that they should, sucessful or not. I'll be watching!Posted by: Melanie at October 28, 2007 6:43 PM "

"I have the best memories of menudo. I was 13 or 12, they were this 5 cute boys from PR... ummm I was "in love" with charlie masso and johny lozada... tiempos que no volveran! Good luck JGPosted by: camilla diaz at October 26, 2007 12:26 PM "
"All I want to say is that Jorge was my daughters (Stevie) friend at Woodlands Middle. She always talked on how nice he was with everyone and that he was very talented. She always bragged to us that he has a very beautiful voice and I finally got the chance to see him on the show. I wish him lots of luck and I congratulate him and especially his parents for all of the hard work. Posted by: cynthia castillo at October 26, 2007 9:20 AM "

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