Thursday, November 20, 2008

MTV Remote Control Blog

Recap Making Menudo: Premiere Episode
J.G., Jorge, Jose, Antony, Pena, Henry, Eric, Thomas, Hansel, Trevor, J.C., Chris, Dennis, Carlos and Monti are on their way to “Superstar Bootcamp” in Miami — their audition has just begun to be a part of the “legacy that is MENUDO!”
Performing together, living together, but competing against each other is bound to cause some problems. Week by week someone will go home until five hardworking young men will become Menudo — the same group the launched the famous Ricky Martin’s career. Can these 15 fellas handle the pressure, the girls and the work in this competition? It all kicks off with a pep talk from manager, Johnny Wright letting the boys know what this is going to be like — basically, NOT EASY!
The first three guys will have 72 hours to prepare a song and routine to perform in front of a live audience. After the performance one person will go home, but if one person kicks it — we’ll have the first member of Menudo. The first three are … JG (13), Antony (15) and Monti (18). To find out more about these guys check out their bios. They’ve been assigned B2K’s hit song, ‘Girlfriend’ sung Menudo-style. The hard-ass singing coach are getting on the boys’ case while the rest of the guys get to party on the beach — fair? I guess?!
Group one has now gone over to the dance studio. And the youngin’ in the group, JG, seems to be having a lot of difficulty with the routine. While the other guys are stressing/practicing their performance the rest of the fellas have a competition going to see how many numbers they can get from girls on the beach.
Johnny does not think that the performance is going well and warns the guys that they need to step it up! “The only thing really sharp about your performance was when you ran across the stage.” Oh goodness, they’ve got to pull it together!
JG is first boy out of the boy party! He’s the youngest and everyone thinks that his age is going to harm him when everyone else is into the ladies and JG just wants to watch cartoons. A few of the boys start assessing group one and the general feeling is that JG is going home.
The Performance: The live audience is going crazy — just like the stomachs of all three members of group one! For having 72 hours, I personally think they look and sound great! Well, until the last few chords when they all seem to lose each other and lose steam. The energy is down and the harmonies suffer.
So who’s in and who’s out? The five lighted circles = the five members of Menudo. And on a scale of 1-10, Johnny thinks that group one get a 5. Eesh! So who goes home? Monti is the first member of Menudo, but he can lose that spotlight and his spot in Menudo. Antony gets another shot to prove himself — he’s not in, he’s not out. That leaves JG … Johnny tells him that his road to Menudo is over.
Published by Jordyn on November 5, 2007 at 3:59 pm.

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