Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Tonight on MTV" J.g article

"Tonight on MTV: Wellington kid to live La Vida Menudo!
With all the reality television and 80's nostalgia going on, it was only a matter of time that somebody got around to remaking Menudo, the famed Puerto Rican boy band whose members included Ricky Martin, Robby Rosa and Raymond Acevedo (who has local ties, as his web mistress/graphic designer Erin Starks lives in Jupiter).
But "Making Menudo," which premieres today on MTV at 4:30 PM (and repeating again tonight at 10:30 PM and 12:30 AM), gets even more local than that. 13-year-old Jorge Gabriel, or “JG,” as he calls himself on the show, is an eighth grader at Emerald Cove Middle School, a Wellington resident and is veteran performer who’s done SunFest, among other appearances. He is also, judging from the description of him and his own admission, a little bit of drama.
Apparently, some fireworks spark as a result of his “age and overconfidence,” as the Web site puts it. J.G.’s take on it is that he’s not used to hanging out with guys who are older than him (he’s the youngest among a group that goes up to the age of 19). J.G., who is, incidentally, Cuban-American and not Puerto Rican, also admits that his dancing’s not the strongest part of his game, although his singing is. (More on him coming up in the Post).
Meanwhile, check the kid out. He’s super polite, very professional and, if he’s correct about the drama, might be around a while.Posted by Leslie Streeter at October 25, 2007 12:58 PM "

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