Thursday, October 2, 2008

Another J.G Vid

Thomas Fans....Check out this awsome site!

You will find all the latest news on this super talented Making Menudo Hottie! So go see it and support!

Watch Episode 1 from Making Menudo!

YUPPERS! This is the best episode in my opinion!I had this song stuck in my head for months!!!!!!!!J.G ,Antony and Monti totally rocked it!♥It was sad obivously but as people say "One door closes another one (a better one) opens" So J.G you are a future legend and you are going to make it either way.Keep on rockin'!


GO vist this awsome site created by Monti's #1 fan,and my BMB Mariana!♥ & Dezi!♥

Her and Dezi (co-owner) always have the lastest news about the the guys... especially Monti of course!!!! So go check it out!

Support it by linking it to your site and calling the radio stations they have listed to request "LOST"!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

JG FANZ CHANNEL♥" bgcolor="#000000">" />Watch live video from Official J.G Fanz's channel on


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